ShariX — a platform to connect businesses with customers
Build your own solution based on our open template!
Service Digitalization
Digitalization business support by detecting services to share. Show more...
Mobile and Web Apps Templates
Open source templates suitable for building sharing solutions. It’s easy to create your own product. Show more...
Software Platform
Platrom Services mutual integration, payments processing. Show more...
Clients and Providers Database
Resource load optimization. Show more...

Service Operating Scheme based on

ShariX Platform operates with Subservices. It proceeds user data according to Subservice request and returns optimal solution for this request, checks permissions and proceeds payments.
Subservices choose concrete sharing service idea: format, positioning, quality standards, operating with hardware and other systems integration.
Partners works with Subservices and executes services for clients and choose tariffs. They are responsible for quality and security.
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Why it is good idea to build service using ?
You can re-use legal templates for service organization and just adopt it for your case. You can focus on your own idea instead common processes.

You will have some users at the beginning. Less expenses to attract users. Guarantees.
No need to develop your own solution from scratch. You can use ShariX Open Template.

If you need support on start - we can provide it for you on all possible stages.
The only restriction by ShariX is quality standards during communication with ShariX. Everything else you are free to build any way you like.

Join us
Anyone can create their own service without the help of our specialists. To make it easier, we offer courses (it is possible to pass in the format of advanced training), which will help to work out the idea both from the point of view of business and technical implementation.
Apply for courses on our educational portal.
To contact us
LLC "ShariX"
ITN: 7801685119
Code of reason: 780101001
MSRN: 1207800083776
Number in the register of accredited organizations: 16593
DUNS: 538069090
General issues
Customer support